Kazakh National Bank released 'Oriental Calendar' commemorative gold and silver coins

The "Year of the Snake" coins have a dodecahedron form. Both coins - gold and silver - have the identical images on the obverse and reverse.
In the center of the face (obverse) of the coin there are mythological symbols of constellations of the celestial map of the Arch and legend ("Au 999 7,78 g" on the gold coin and "Ag 925 31.1 g" on the silver coin), which denotes the metal a coin is made of, its fineness and weight. A wide satin-finished edge runs along the perimeter of the coin, on the full-circle of which there are: a plate with a depressed legend "ҚАЗАҚСТАН RESPUBLIKASY" (Republic of Kazakhstan) in the state language and REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN in the English language and a stylized image of the Sun.
On the back side (reverse) of the coins, in the center thereof, there is an image of the snake - a symbol of the year 2013 according to the Oriental Calendar, and a trademark of Kazakhstan Mint. A wide satin-finished edge runs along the perimeter of the coin, on the full-circle of which there are: a plate with a depressed legend "2013", depressed legend "ШЫҒЫС КҮНТІЗБЕСІ"(SHYGYS KUNTIZBESI) in the state language, "ВОСТОЧНЫЙ КАЛЕНДАРЬ" (VOSTOCHNY KALENDAR") in the Russian language and "ORIENTAL CALENDAR" in the English language. Other eleven symbols of the Oriental Calendar are arranged on the inside of the satin-finished edge
The images and legends on the obverse and reverse of the coins are relief.
The commemorative coins are made of:
1) gold of 999/1000 standard; weight - 7,78 gram, diameter of a circumscribing circle -21,87 mm; quality of manufacture - "proof", mintage - 3 thousand; lateral surface (gurt) is smooth, without corrugation and inscriptions;
2) silver of 925/1000 standard; weight - 31.1 gram, diameter of a circumscribing circle-38,61 mm; quality of manufacture - "proof"; mintage - 5 thousand; lateral surface (gurt) is plain, without grooving and legends/
Commemorative gold coins of KZT 500 nominal value are mandatory for acceptance at their face value throughout the Republic of Kazakhstan for all types of payments as well as for credit to the accounts, placement on deposits, for letters of credit and for money transfers; they are changed and exchanged without limitation in all banks of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The commemorative gold and silver coins "Year of the Snake" are the third coins, which continued the series of coins "Oriental Calendar". The Year of the Snake according to the Oriental Calendar begins on 10 February 2013.
Commemorative coins are made at the Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management "Kazakhstan Mint of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan".
The coins are designed in accordance with the Concept of Design of Banknotes and Coins of the National Currency - Kazakhstani Tenge approved by the Decree No. 1193 of 25 September 2003 of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The commemorative coins of "proof" quality are intended for sale at the collection value. They are produced in a souvenir package and are attached with a numbered certificate of quality of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the state, Russian and English languages.
Source: Press service of the National Bank of Kazakhstan