Kazakh national traditions showcased in London captivate locals

Kazakh national traditions showcased in London captivate locals
Photo credit: Oleg Savca/ Kazinform

Representatives from the Kazakh center in the UK participated in Cultural style week 2024, which highlights national values. They presented a performance titled “From cradle to wisdom,” introducing foreigners to Kazakh customs and traditions, Kazinform News Agency correspondent reports.

Finding a traditional Kazakh cradle in London is difficult as they are not sold in stores, and ordering one from Kazakhstan would take too long. Local Kazakhs improvised and created a cradle from available materials. Despite the challenges, the organizers managed to give the foreigners an insight into Kazakh rich history and culture. Besides the cradle ceremony, the event also included a traditional Tusaukeser ceremony, a Kazakh tradition of cutting the fetters, with Shashu which is a magical rite in which sweets are scattered away.

“I came to London from Oral for a visit. My daughter, son-in-law, and two grandchildren live in the UK. I played the role of the elder grandmother in the performance and scattered treats. At first, the audience was surprised, but then they realised it was a treat and eagerly picked them up,” said Gulzada Khassanova.

Kazakh national traditions showcased in London captivate locals
Photo credit: Oleg Savca/ Kazinform

Everything was fascinating and new for the foreigners. They were delighted by the children playing traditional games like Asyk atu and the young Kazakhs dressed in national attire. An English-speaking host explained everything. The traditional unveiling ceremony of a new bride’s face – Betashar particularly captivated the audience, with some even finding similarities to their own customs.

“In our country, the bride’s face is also covered, and her face is not shown to anyone. Additionally, our elders give blessings and distribute gifts. I was deeply impressed. I really liked it,” noted Namibian citizen Jorokee Kamuvete.

Kazakh national traditions showcased in London captivate locals
Photo credit: Oleg Savca/ Kazinform

“What interested me was how clothing changes according to age at each stage of life. It was pleasing to see the great respect shown to elderly people and how their age and life experience are highly valued”, expressed British citizen Dr. Madeline Haggan.

For this event, Kazakh ethnographers, tailors, and artisans showcased their products. Kimesheks (traditional headgear), jewellery with national designs, tablecloths, and genuine leather bags were sold at a specially organised fair.

Kazakh national traditions showcased in London captivate locals
Photo credit: Oleg Savca/ Kazinform

“This is a bag with traditional Kazakh patterns. It draws great interest from English people and other nationalities. The price is very affordable. We managed to sell several versions of this bag today”, said Kazakh center member Mukhammed Mussabekov.

The cultural week is a unique event that allows showcasing cultural heritage through fashion. Representatives from Kazakhstan, the Dominican Republic, Japan, Mauritius, and other countries showcased their unique identities and promoted their cultures. The exhibition, held in a shopping center, attracted thousands of spectators.

Kazakh national traditions showcased in London captivate locals
Photo credit: Oleg Savca/ Kazinform

“Every nation’s culture is unique. For instance, I didn’t know much about Kazakh customs until today. Thanks to the event, I learned a lot. I think the Cultural style week is an effective platform for highlighting national values”, highlighted event organiser Shabaz Graham.

Kazakh national traditions showcased in London captivate locals
Photo credit: Oleg Savca/ Kazinform

The UK is a multicultural country where English, Scottish, Welsh, Irish people, and immigrants’ descendants live in harmony. Discrimination based on race is legally prosecuted, and diversity is given special importance. The government supports local people in promoting their national values.

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