Kazakh parties unite to combat crisis

ASTANA. March 13. KAZINFORM /Damir Baimenov/ Leaders of Kazakhstanpolitical parties have signed Memo on cooperation to implement the anti - crisis program today in Astana.
The initiator of the event is a leading Party of the country ?Nur Otan? The document defines aims and objectives of the parties brought together to cooperate in the implementation of anti-crisis program of the Government of Kazakhstann, develop joint solutions to stabilize the domestic economy, improve education and protect the vulnerable layers of our society. Besides, the parties intend to create a platform for discussion and solution of the tasks, outlined by Kazakhstan for OSCE chairmanship in 2010. The Memo was signed by seven parties: ?Nur Otan? Party, the Communist People?s Party of Kazakhstan, ?Rukhaniyat? Party, ?Auyl? socio-democratic party, the Party of Patriots of Kazakhstan, ?Akzhol? and ?Adilet? Democratic Parties of Kazakhstan. ?The Memo is open for other parties and political institutions. We are ready to cooperate with everyone?, First Deputy Chairman of ?Nur Otan? Party Darkhan Kaletayev said.
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