16:29, 21 August 2018 | GMT +6
Kazakh patchwork quilt to enter Guinness World Records
ALMATY. KAZINFORM The Almaty City Day is traditionally celebrated on the third Sunday of September. This year Almaty people will mark its 16th anniversary, Kazinform reports.
Various festivals, concerts, exhibitions, performances, contests and stage shows will be held every day around the city during the month starting from August 25 to September 30.
For the first time ever the city will host the largest ALMA FEST (festival of apples) at several venues at once.
The longest patchwork quilt made by people and guests of Almaty will be presented at the Park of the First President of Kazakhstan on September 16 to enter the Guinness World Records. The quilt made in the form of an endless ribbon, a lively wave, is expected to translate the city beat into life, the Almaty administration's press service reports.
It is noteworthy, about 100 festive events will be held around the city at large.