Kazakh PM Bektenov highlights problem of overcrowded schools in Almaty

Photo: Kazakh government

Kazakh Premier Olzhas Bektenov got familiarized with the work underway to create conditions for schoolchildren and students learning in Almaty, Kazinform News Agency cites primeminister.kz.

The Comfortable School national project is under implementation as was instructed by Head of State Tokayev to address the shortage of school places in the country. Higher education facilities are also under modernization to ensure the country has qualified personnel.

As part of his working visit to Almaty, Kazakh Prime Minister Bektenov visited no.97 school-gymnasium, built on the site of the former emergency educational facility and set to become the first school to be constructed under the Comfortable School national project. The school will be able to welcome 945 schoolchildren starting from this school year. It will also offer an inclusive environment for children with special education needs.

Kazakhstan seeks to commission over 700 thousand additional school places under the Comfortable School national project.

The problem of overcrowded schools in Almaty is especially acute, said the Kazakh Prime Minister. He said that completion of construction ahead of the standard period is welcome, stressing that quality is the top priority.

During his visit to the International Educational Corporation, the head of the Kazakh government pointed out the need for cooperation with real enterprises. Measures for interaction with youth scientific circles and the possibility of use of their work results in the key sectors of the city and country were discussed.

The International Educational Corporation is an integrated educational, scientific and production complex, educating over 14 thousand young adults under different programs. It includes the KazGASA and Kazakh American Universities, KazGASA College and Almaty Digital College, as well as KazGASA and KAU School. The Corporation cooperates with over 250 domestic and international companies-employers.

Here, the Kazakh Premier was familiarized with the full reconstruction of the Corporation’s main educational building. Prime Minister Bektenov was reported on the commissioning of the new modern school KazGASA School for 480 places as well as the plans to construct a dormitory for 345 places set to be commissioned by 2025.

It was added that 181 scientific and technical tasks for program-targeted funding of studies and developments are in place for 2024-26. In the next two years, 18 billion tenge is to be allocated from the republican budget for grants for young scholars.

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