Kazakh PM critical of improvement works in rural areas in Abai region

Photo: primeminister.kz

Abai region’s standards for improving living conditions of rural residents is the lowest in the country, Kazakh Priem Minister Olzhas Bektenov said during the government session today, Kazinform News Agency correspondent reports.

According to Abai region governor Abai Urankhayev, there are 331 settlements in the region, home to 235 thousand people or 38.7% of the region’s population. Last year, the infrastructure and services coverage level stood at 55.4% in the region.

Last year, up to 35 billion tenge was spent on the development of rural areas in the region. Construction of five schools for 1,500 places is underway as part of the Comfortable school project. This year, within the rural health modernization project, 65 primary care facilities will be built. In the past two years, 15 projects worth 4.2 billion tenge have been carried out as part of drinking water provision. This year, there plans to launch 16 more facilities for 8.5 billion tenge. In 2022-23, 13.8 billion tenge was provided as part of the Auyl – El besigi program. As a result, 114 projects to the tune of 9.1 billion tenge were realized in 65 rural settlements, Urankhayev reported during the government session.

As the governor said, 21 social facilities, 31 public utility facilities, 163 kilometers of local roads were overhauled. There are 42 settlements home to around 35 thousand people in the region’s four districts located close to the border. 1.8 billion tenge has been provided to develop the social and engineering infrastructure; 18 [projects have been carried out.

In general, according to the comprehensive plan for the development of the region 145.2 billion tenge is set to be provided to develop rural areas. Works are to be carried out in stage, said Urankhayev.

In this regard, head of the Kazakh government Olzhas Bektenov warned the Abai region governor that the pace of works should be high and instructed him to work actively.

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