15:09, 18 April 2009 | GMT +5
Kazakh PM holds fifth session of Council of Economic Consultants
ASTANA. April 18. KAZINFORM Kazakh Prime Minister Karim Massimov has held the fifth session of the Council of Economic Consultants under the Kazakh Government; Kazinform refers to the Premier?s press service. The current anti-recessionary and strategic issues of the Government?s economic policy were considered.

Director of the Public Policy Research Center (PPRC) Meruert Makhmutova reported on expert evaluations of the state of the Kazakh financial market. A competitiveness level at the financial market and proposals on its development in the interests of consumers of the financing facilities were discussed.
Doctor of Science, Economics, Professor Rakhman Alshanov reported on the research results of the state of the Kazakh foreign trade for 2000-2008 and proposals on formation of a trade policy of Kazakhstan on the current phase.