19:15, 05 January 2022 | GMT +5
Kazakh poet Nurlan Orazalin urges youth to be tolerant amid unrest
ALMATY. KAIZNFORM – The Kazakhstani people should be united to overcome social problems and living conditions, poet, State Prize winner Nurlan Orazalin said, Kazinform correspondent reports.
Kazakh poet Nurlan Orazalin urged the youth to be tolerant amid the unrest in the country.
«The youth should take care of their families, elders, younger ones, people’s integrity, peace, future of the nation and State. I call on the youth to be tolerant,» he said.
The poet went on to say that the Kazakh authority is trying to find a peaceful way out of the situation.
He urged the Kazakhstani people to support the Kazakh President’s address where he called for well-being and wisdom.