12:12, 09 December 2009 | GMT +5
Kazakh-Polish penitentiary systems strengthen coop
sp;ASTANA. December 9. KAZINFORM /Galimzhan Hassenov/ Chairman of the Committee of Correctional System of the Kazakhstan Ministry of Justice Meiram Ayubayev has met today with Director General of the Central Administration of Poland's Penitentiary Service Pavel Nasilovskiy.

The visit of the Polish delegation to Astana was organized within Path to Europe State Program under the auspices of the Kazakhstan Embassy in Poland.
As a press release of the Committee reads, the visit aims at expert estimation of the activity of the Kazakh penitentiary institutions and organization of a seminar-training for the workers of the correctional system.
Discussion of the course of further cooperation of the Kazakh-Polish penitentiary systems will become a key issue of the meeting.
The members of the foreign delegation will visit a number of correctional facilities of Astana and Almaty.