Kazakh President awards people of culture in Almaty

ALMATY. January 9. KAZINFORM "I have always thought that culture along with economic growth and nation's welfare is of paramount importance.

Over the years of independence we have placed high emphasis on the problems of culture," President Nursultan Nazarbayev said at Wednesday's awarding ceremony in Almaty that brought together eminent cultural figures and people of arts. Attendees were bestowed with the Presidential Award and the State Prize in the field of culture.

"In 2011 a new professional holiday - the Day of people of culture and arts - was initiated. The Government reportedly spent 35.5 billion tenge on culture in 2012," Nazarbayev added.

The Kazakh President also stressed 'Kazakhstan has achieved a lot in the sphere of culture. Materialization of the Madeni Mura national project gave an impulse to the development of national culture on the whole.'

Those present thanked the Head of State for support and praised socioeconomic policy implemented in the country.

The presidential award and state prizes are awarded annually to support people of culture and arts as well as talented youth. The prizes go to those who have made a considerable contribution to the development of culture of the Kazakh nation.

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