14:35, 27 February 2009 | GMT +5
Kazakh President pays working visit to North Kazakhstan region
PETROPAVLOVSK. February 27. KAZINFORM /Sergey Kuznetsov/ Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev has arrived with a working visit in North Kazakhstan region today. The Head of the State got acquainted with the process of implementation of antirecessionary program of the Government for 2009-2011directly on the premises , support of small and middle business, agricutural and industrial sectors in the region, Kazinform reports.
At the present time, a working group was created in the region; ?Action Plan on stabilization of the economy and financial sector of the North Kazakhstan region for 2009-2010? was developed. The main purpose of the Plan is mitigation of the impact of the global financial crisis on socio-economic situation in the region and provision of necessary grounds for stabilization of the economy and financial market, maintenance of all social expenditures and fulfillment of obligations to the citizens.
The President visited the exhibition of agricultural equipment in Petropavlovsk.
The President also visited ?Shapagat? municipal market. The Head of the State paid special attention to prices for main foodstuffs. Goods are supplied to the markets by local producers and their prises are 15-20% lower than the existing ones.
Then N.Nazarbayev went to a new of pre-fabricated buildings works. He got acquainted with production of metal structures here. As the Head of the State was informed, the cost of the project is up to KZT 170 bln.