18:35, 01 April 2009 | GMT +5
Kazakh President receives Minister of Education and Science
ASTANA. April 1. KAZINFORM. President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev has received Minister of Education and Science Zhanseit Tuimebayev today; Kazinform refers to the President?s press service.
The Minister reported on the progress of implementation of the government programs of education development for 2005-2010, promotion of vocational education for 2008-2012 and development of science for 2007-2012.
According to the UNESCO index of education development Kazakhstan holds the first place among 129 countries. Under the President?s commission, 11.5 thousand educational grants were allocated to Kazakhstani universities as part of the state support of students. Over two years 3 080 schools have been equipped with interactive boards. Out of 174 higher educational institutions 32 were closed down with the purpose to improve quality of the higher education.
The issue of transition to 12-year education was discussed as well. The President urged the Ministry to study foreign experience once again and make a final decision.
Besides, the Head of the State stressed the necessity of expanding the network of vocational schools.
N. Nazarbayev asked about the progress of implementation of the government programs on construction of 100 comprehensive schools and 20 schools for gifted children. According to the Minister, 46 schools have been built in 2008.
The parties also discussed the perspective directions of education and science development till 2020 including the formation of competitive human resources.
The President set tasks on realization of definite educational and scientific projects as well as integration of Kazakhstan education system into the international educational space.