09:20, 20 March 2009 | GMT +5
Kazakh President?s Message - master-plan for country?s future development ? M.Dutta
ASTANA-NEW DELHI. March 20. KAZINFORM Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev?s Message to the nation contains significant data base and is a master-plan for the future development of the country on the crisis countering. The response of Dr. Mondira Dutta, professor of the Centre for South, Central, Southeast Asian and South-West Pacific Studies notes; Kazinform reports.
"The Kazakh President?s Message has two components, which are necessary for good administration: transparency and ensuring public services. In the global world a crisis can occur at any time, but the Government can counter it under a good administration.
In the employment strategy the most important thing is programs on specialists retraining and professional development. In this connection training institutes strengthening and cultural exchange of professionals are an absolute necessity?, M.Dutta thinks.