Kazakh President visits EXPO Central Asia 2023

The leaders of Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan visited the national pavilions showcasing the economic achievements of the participating countries.
More than 130 enterprises of metallurgic, chemical, light, pharmaceutical, construction, motor-car construction, agricultural engineering and other industries were featured there. Kazakhstan put on display fertilizers, jewelry, aluminum products, medical equipment, spacecraft models, computers, telecommunication equipment, clothing, pharmaceuticals, etc.
The unique VibroLUNG medical apparatus developed by BARK Technology for lung disease treatment stirred great interest. The leading clinics of Kazakhstan, Russia, Uzbekistan, Belarus, Panama, the UAE and Singapore have already purchased the Kazakhstani apparatus.
The Head of State presented the people of Tajikistan with a school bus manufactured by Kazakhstani QazTehna company and three sets of the VibroLUNG medical apparatus.