Kazakh Secretary of State: Necessary to prepare plan on Anticorruption Strategy implementation
During the session, participants debated the Action Plan on implementation of the Anticorruption Strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015-2016 and the Law "On counter-corruption".
Secretary Abdykalikova stressed in her opening remarks that both the strategy and the law are based on the idea that corruption should be prevented.
"It is crucial to prevent corruption in civil service, quasi-public and private sectors, in courts and law-enforcement agencies as well as shape up anticorruption culture and develop international cooperation in that respect," Gulshara Abdykalikova said.
Deputy Chairman of the Agency for Civil Service Affairs and Anticorruption Alik Shpekbayev made a report at the session.
In his words, the agency checked 156 government bodies for corruption and submitted over 2,000 recommendations on eliminating reasons and conditions that may lead to corruption-related crimes.
In conclusion, the Secretary of State gave an instruction to prepare a plan on implementation of the Anticorruption Strategy.