10:12, 04 September 2023 | GMT +5
Kazakh Senate suggests candidate to head National Bank
ASTANA. KAZINFORM As stated at the Senate plenary sitting, Timur Suleimenov is appointed as the new Chairman of the Kazakh National Bank, Kazinform reports.

He was born on April 5, 1978. Graduated from the Toraigyrov Pavlodar State University, the University of Maryland.
In 2009-2012 served as the deputy Country Manager of the World Bank for Kazakhstan, deputy Country Manager of the EBRD for Kazakhstan, Vice Minister of Economy and Budget Planning of Kazakhstan, and Vice Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Kazakhstan.
Between 2016 and 2019 acted as the National Economy Minister of Kazakhstan. In 2019 was appointed as the deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Kazakhstan. On January 13, 2022, took the post of the 1st deputy Head of the Presidential Administration.