17:03, 21 July 2016 | GMT +5
Kazakh singer Adam to spend Slavic Bazaar 2016 prize on his wedding party
ASTANA. KAZINFORM Kazakhstani singer Adam became the First Prize Winner at the Slavic Bazaar 2016 contest. He is going to spend the prize amounting to 15,000 U.S. dollars on his future wedding party.

“I want to spend this sum on my wedding party scheduled for 25 September. As you know, organization of wedding is very expensive as I want to hold it in Astana. I have invited my colleagues from Vitebsk and some of them agreed to come to Kazakhstan for my wedding,” said Adam at a press conference in Astana.
At the Slavic Bazaar, Adam performed Sam Smith’s song I'm Not The Only One and scored 78 points. In a two-day contest he gathered 155 points and lost only 2 points to Belarusian Alexey Gross.