Kazakh steppe lakes boast the Dead Sea healing properties

ASTANA. KAZINFORM Astana homeopath Olga Makhmudova has proved that salinate fields of Central Kazakhstan posses unique healing properties.

According to her, it is possible to build world-class health resorts around each of those countless salt lakes dispersed along the steppe, Express K newspaper reports. There are thousands of them in Kazakhstan. Before exploring the lakes chemical composition, first of all, Olga Makhmudova visited Uyuni Lake in Chile, and the Dead Sea in Jordan. The researcher arrived at the conclusion that Kazakh steppe lakes yield to none in their healing qualities. As her report finds, salinity of one of the salt lakes located 20 km from Astana exceeds the level of the world's biggest salt lake, Uyuni Lake. Besides, it contains radon, bromine and lithium. The lake's benefit is just astonishing.

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