09:12, 26 December 2019 | GMT +5
Kazakh student invents energy-efficient streetlights
PAVLODAR. KAZINFORM For the past five years a student of the Pavlodar city school for gifted children, Byazet Iskakov, invented the smart walking stick for blind, energy-efficient streetlights and bulk and fluid material level remote control system.

He developed the energy-efficient streetlights when he studied in 6th grade. The device helps eliminate the human factor in lighting control, save electric energy.
The smart cane helps the visually-impaired people navigate their surroundings. It warns of obstacles at a distance of one meter and a half.
The bulk and fluid material level remote control system allows to measure up to eight gradations of bulk and fluid material level and monitor leakage in four rooms simultaneously. His project won the Grand Prix at the national science competition The first step to the great discovery.