22:41, 23 September 2015 | GMT +5
Kazakh, Turkish militaries had joint drills (PHOTOS)
ASTANA. KAZINFORM The armed forces of Kazakhstan and Turkey have completed joint military drills Kabylan Zholy-2015 held at the Ili Centre and on the range of the Military institute of Ground Forces.
Throughout ten days the divisions of both countries' special forces and aviation of Kazakhstan air defense forces performed joint combat training operations on liquidation of hypothetical bases of militant groups, parachute jumping from the height of 3,000-4,000 meters, a 50-km battle-march and shooting exercises. Around 170 militaries, 20 units of automobile and 10 units of armored vehicles as well as 5 units of front-line and army aircrafts were involved in the drills. According to the Defense Ministry, the special forces divisions of Kazakhstan and Turkey successfully fulfilled all the tasks set.