Kazakh, Uzbek prime ministers visit transport and digital infrastructure facilities in Almaty

Kazakh, Uzbek prime ministers visit transport and digital infrastructure facilities in Almaty
Photo credit: primeminister.kz

Prime Minister of Uzbekistan Abdulla Aripov who arrived in Kazakhstan for the Intergovernmental Commission’s meeting, has visited a number of facilities in Almaty, Kazinform News Agency reports citing primeminister.kz.

Olzhas Bektenov and Abdulla Aripov together surveyed the Public Transport Control Center and got familiarized themselves with the digital solutions applied here.

Representative of Almaty Transport Holding Sadir Khamrayev made a presentation of the ONAY e-ticketing system.

The city’s population exceeds today 3 million people. 1.7 million passengers make 444 million trips by public transport per annum. 3,507 bus stops and 222 turnout areas have been digitized. Dispatchers ensure the operation of over 3 thousand buses and trolleybuses around the clock.

Kazakh, Uzbek prime ministers visit transport and digital infrastructure facilities in Almaty
Photo credit: primeminister.kz

Since the introduction of the e-fare payment system in 2016, the volume of the passenger transportation market increased 3.2 times, having reached 31.8 billion tenge.

Kazakh, Uzbek prime ministers visit transport and digital infrastructure facilities in Almaty
Photo credit: primeminister.kz

The Uzbek delegation also got familiarized with Kazakhstan’s experience in rolling stock updating and reducing the average age of urban transit vehicles from 13 years in 2016 to 3 years in 2023. Authorities plan to increase the number of buses to 4,000 with an average age of no more than 2.5 years.

The prime ministers also presented the unified video monitoring system which provides access to the cameras installed at the bus stops and metro stations.

The delegation visited the office of Yandex Qazaqstan, the largest one in Central Asia. The company is being actively localized employing more than 750 people.

Kazakh, Uzbek prime ministers visit transport and digital infrastructure facilities in Almaty
Photo credit: primeminister.kz

The heads of government were presented a wide range of services provided by the company, including search systems, maps, transport services, adapted to the needs of Kazakhstani users and business sector. The international IT company Yandex is investing in cloud technologies, speech synthesis in Kazakh, development of Internet search and artificial intelligence.

The Kazakh and Uzbek prime ministers also visited Lumiere Hall Multimedia Museum to discuss the issues of  creative industries development.

The heads of government were presented a wide range of services provided by the company, including search systems, maps, transport services, adapted to the needs of Kazakhstani users and business sector. The international IT company Yandex is investing in cloud technologies, speech synthesis in Kazakh, development of Internet search and artificial intelligence.
Photo credit: primeminister.kz
Kazakh, Uzbek prime ministers visit transport and digital infrastructure facilities in Almaty
Photo credit: primeminister.kz



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