13:51, 08 March 2009 | GMT +5
Kazakh Vice Foreign Minister N. Danenov took part in UN Human Rights Council session
ASTANA. March 8. KAZINFORM Kazakhstan delegation headed by Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Nurlan Danenov took part in the X session of the UN Human Rights Council opened in Geneva, Kazinform refers to the press service of the Kazakh Foreign Affairs Ministry.
?Development, security and human rights are closely connected with each other, therefore it is crucial to prevent social instability and worsening the observance of human rights? protection in the world due to global financial crisis?, the Kazakh Vice Minister noted in his speech. N. Danenov pointed out necessity of working out coordinated measures for achievement of international goals in development by the world community. In this view, the forum delegates were reported of Kazakhstan?s measures adopted in accordance with the priorities of President N. Nazarbayev?s policy on mitigation of the negative impact of the global crisis on the socio-economic situation in the country and creation of foundations for future economic growth.
Mr. N. Danenov drew the participants? attention to the possible growth of manifestation of racism, gender discrimination, xenophobia, inter-ethnic and inter-faith conflicts due to sharp socio-economic upheavals. In this connection, an importance of adoption of appropriate measures by the countries and the UN organizations on prevention of these situations was noted.
Kazakhstan takes great efforts in preservation and strengthening inter-ethnic harmony, N. Danenov said. The decision to host the Congress of the World and Traditional Religions? Leaders was supported by the leaders of the major world confessions and international organizations.
The resolution of the UN General Assembly as of November 13, 2008 points out an importance of this initiative. He also told the session participants about the Forum of Foreign Ministers of the Islamic and Western countries and the Astana Declaration adopted following it. The text of the Declaration was disseminated as an official document of the 63rd session of the UN General Assembly.
Kazakhstan will use its experience in this direction within the oncoming Chairmanship in the OSCE in 2010 and the OIC ? in 2011. There is no alternative for the dialogue of civilizations and religions based on the principles of tolerance and respect to diversity. To date it is the most important condition for better understanding the globe changes and finding out efficient measures of responding them. On the initiative of our President the 62nd session of the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution on announcement of the year of 2010 the International Year of Cultures? Rapprochement.
N. Danenov also told about Kazakhstan?s work within inmplementation of the UN program documents in human rights protection and reminded about the international human rights conventions ratified and signed in Kazakhstan in 2008, including the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Tortures, the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Persons with Disabilities etc.
The Kazakh Diplomat confirmed Kazakhstan?s intention to pursue the efforts on further development of legislative bases and bringing them into compliance with the international Human Rights standards. N. Danenov highly appreciated the UN and the OSCE activity in reforming the national legislation.
Touching upon the work of the UN Human Rights Council the head of Kazakhstan delegation noted importance of launching it within the Universal Periodic Review on human rights situation and expressed hope that this institute?s activity would conform with the principles of fairness, objectivity and being out political bias.
Within the session Mr. Danenov had several meetings with the heads of international organizations. At a meeting with the UN Under-Secretary General ? Director General of the European Department of the UN Sergei Ordzhonikidze in Geneva Kazakh Vice Minister noted that the Conference on Disarmament was the only universal disarmament forum and Kazakhstan stood for beginning of its activity as soon as possible. He stressed out that Kazakhstan had completed the procedures on ratification of the Central Asian Nuclear Weapon Free Zone Treaty and prepared appropriate propositions for the NWNT (Nuclear Weapon Non-Proliferation Treaty) review conference.
Mr. Ordzhonikidze highly appraised Kazakhstan?s activity in nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons within the international organizations. In this context he highlighted importance of the RK Government?s Plan on preparation and holding the events dedicated to the 20th anniversary of ?Nevada-Semipalatinsk? International Antinuclear movement and closing the Semipalatinsk nuclear testing site.
Issues regarding strengthening cooperation of Kazakhstan with the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) within the technical assistance to Kazakhstan in negotiations on the WTO accession, simplification of the trade procedures and usage of information system were discussed at a meeting of Mr. Danenov with Secretary General of the UN Conference on Trade and Development. Secretary General Panitchpakdi Supachai expressed his interest in further strengthening cooperation with our country, in particular, in implementation of the projects on review of investment policy and those in science, technologies and innovations.
?Kazakhstan appraises and supports the efforts of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on human rights protection and promotion around the globe?, Kazakh Vice Minister said during the talks with the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navanethem Pillay. In turn, N. Pillay noted the huge work done by Kazakhstan on improvement of the legislation in human rights.
In Geneva N. Danenov also had negotiations with the heads of foreign delegations, namely from Spain, Norway, Russia and Portugal, devoted to discussing the topical issues of bilateral and multilateral cooperation.