Kazakh youth to plant apple orchard in Astana
"The Year of Youth is a great opportunity not just to take part in the reforms taking place but also to contribute to their realization. I am 27 years old. I am a farmer. I have been running the Saraishyk breed livestock farm, the plant for the production and processing of Alpine goats milk. There are more than 1,000 goats at the farm. We produce 15 dairy products of export potential. We are young and already have achieved a lot," Tamila Rozmetova told the opening ceremony of the Year of Youth underway in Astana.
According to her, the Auyl yel besigi special project is the true social lift for rural youth. "The land is an ocean of opportunities, it is a huge labor market for youth to find and build their future," she stressed.
"The youth movement of the People's Assembly of Kazakhstan Janghyru Zholy would like to support with a certain project. We would like to plant the apple orchid in Astana this spring. We have selected four frost- and wind-resistant varieties of apples," Rozmetova said.
The Head of State supported the initiative and charged Astana Mayor Bakhyt Sultanov to locate the future apple orchard.