Kazakhstan's 'Kelinka Sabina' in competition program of five international film festivals

ALMATY. KAZINFORM - "Kelinka Sabina" movie by Kazakhstani film director Nurtas Adambai has entered competition programs of five international film festivals in the United States, New Zealand, China and Romania.

In the summer of 2015 "Kelinka Sabina" successfully passed the competition Woman UP Film Festival in Los Angeles. The festival will take place from 3 to 5 November 2015. Chinese Film Festival on Women's Rights will be held on 22 - 29 November this year in Beijing. The organizers noted that the universal cinema language of Nurtas Adambai will be clear to the Chinese audience. Arohanui Film Festival is annually held in the city of Aroha, New Zealand. Kazakhstan motion picture will be shown on big screens in Aroha in October 30. The founder of the festival Lynne Renwick in 2009 received a medal of the British Queen for her contribution to theater arts and development of the youth of South Oakland, New Zealand. Freedom Film Festival 2015 is a great achievement for the filmmakers of any country. Organizers of the festival liked "Kelinka Sabina" and gladly included it in the basic program. The results will be known in December 28, 2015. The fifth International Film Festival Comedy Cluj will be held in Cluj, Romania, from 16 to 25 October. According to N. Adambai, the second movie about the most famous good-daughter of Kazakhstan "Kelinku Sabina-2" will be released in March 2016.

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