Kazakhstan's cultures rapprochement initiatives play important role in ensuring peace across world - UNESCO head

PARIS-ASTANA. KAZINFORM Head of State Nursultan Nazarbayev has met today with Director General of the UNESCO Irina Bokova in Paris.

Issues of interaction of Kazakhstan and UNESCO in preservation of cultural and historical heritage, expansion of international ties in education and science were on agenda of the meeting.

As the N.Nazarbayev noted, Kazakhstan has been actively cooperating with the UNESCO. The Head of State emphasized also the importance of I.Bokova's participation in the Congress of the World and Traditional Religions Leaders in Astana in 2012.

"We have been enjoying good relations with the UNESCO. This organization called as "the conscience of the mankind" protects the traditions and cultural values. Many important dates of Kazakhstan culture were marked by the UNESCO," N. Nazarbayev said.

In turn, I. Bokova said that Kazakhstan has been an active partner of the UNESCO. "It is impossible to imagine the jubilee session of the UNESCO General Assembly without Kazakhstan," she emphasized.

Besides, the UNESCO Director General noted that Kazakhstan's initiatives and projects on rapprochement of cultures play a significant role in ensuring peace across the world.

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