Kazakhstan a step away from its goal to join 50 world's largest economies by GDP

ASTANA. December 21. KAZINFORM Kazakhstan is a step away from its goal to be among the 50 largest economies of the world in terms of GDP, chairman of "Vainakh" Chechen-Ingush ethnic and cultural center Salman Geroyev told a meeting of the leaders of ethnic and cultural associations who gathered in Astana to discuss the President's state-of-the-nation address Strategy "Kazakhstan-2050."

"Just a few years ago Nursultan Nazarbayev set the task to enter the 50 largest economies by GDP. At the end of 2012 Kazakhstan occupies the 51st place on the list. That is, there's one more step to achieving a goal," Geroyev said.

In his speech, Geroyev summarized the results of the Strategy "Kazakhstan-2030". "For 15 years, Kazakhstan income rose 16-fold. The number of unemployed fell by half. Maternal mortality reduced 3 times, birth rate increased 1.5 times. Thus, the population crossed the 16 million mark. 942 schools, 750 hospitals were put into service. That is, we evolve and move forward," the chairman briefed.

Today's gold reserves of Kazakhstan make about USD 87 billion, or more than 40% of GDP. Since 1991 GDP in real terms has been nearly doubled. For 15 years since the adoption of the "Strategy 2030" Kazakhstan joined the top five most dynamic economies in the world. The total inflow of foreign direct investment for the period from 1993 to the first half of 2012 exceeded USD 159 billion. From 1991 to January-November 2012 the investments in fixed assets amounted to KZT 38.7 trillion.

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