Kazakhstan among world 20 most stable countries

KPMG has conducted the study for the second time, and although last year Kazakhstan held a higher position in the list, but then there were 30 countries, and this year - as many as 90. The new version of the Sustainability Index, created in conjunction with Oxford Economics (Oxford Economics is a world leader in the field of global forecasting and quantitative analysis for business and government. Headquarters in Oxford, England). analyzed the ability of countries to respond to the changes caused by sudden natural disasters and long-term trends, such as global decline in technology, demographics, global competition and investment flows.
The analysis of country readiness for change included a comparison of 26 variables, including the estimated development of the business environment, effectiveness of state institutions, and social potential of human capital. These studies were based on interviews with more than 500 experts from around the world, as well as the analysis of 70 secondary variables obtained including from sources such as the World Economic Forum, the World Bank , Economist Intelligence Unit, the World Health Organization and UNESCO.
Kazakhstan has the best performance on indicators such as the quality of fiscal, monetary, trade policy, economic openness, economic infrastructure, and many others . However, as for public scrutiny of government and business relations Kazakhstan's figures are much worse.
It is noteworthy that Kazakhstan is the only CIS country that entered the top 20 most stable countries, while Russia got only 62nd place.