Kazakhstan and Lower Saxony continue to expand trade and economic relations

BERLIN . September 14. KAZINFORM - There has taken place one day working visit of the Ambassador of Kazakhstan in Germany Nurlan Onzhanov to the federal state of Lower Saxony.

The visit included the meeting of the Kazakh diplomat with Prime Minister of Land Stefan Weil, chairman of the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Raw Materials, a member of the German National Committee of World Petroleum Council Hans-Joachim Kyumpel, as well as the business community in Lower Saxony.

The main purpose of the visit was to discuss expansion of trade and economic relations between Kazakhstan and Lower Saxony, attracting businesses of Lower Saxony to joint implementation of projects concerning raw materials, industrial and technology sectors, as well as prospects for expanding inter-parliamentary cooperation.

During the talks Ambassador of Kazakhstan informed in detail of the current aspects of political and socio-economic development of Kazakhstan's Development Strategy called " Kazakhstan -2050 ", as well as on the priorities of the Kazakh-German bilateral cooperation in the context of the agreements that were reached during the visit of the Head of state to the Federal Republic of Germany in February 2012 .

At the meeting with the chairman of the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Raw Materials, member of the German National Committee of World Petroleum Council Hans-Joachim Kyumpel under consideration was the joint implementation of the intergovernmental agreement on partnership in raw materials, industrial and technology sectors, as well as German support of the application of Astana to host the World Petroleum Congress in 2017.

Lower Saxony is one of the leading agricultural regions in Germany. It takes first place in food industry, engineering, innovation and renewable energy sources. In Lower Saxony there are large companies such as Volkswagen, TUI, Continental, Salzgitter, Georgsmarienhütte, Günter Papenburg, HC Starc , and etc. Since 2000 there has been operating Interagency Working Group on Trade and Economic Cooperation named " Kazakhstan-Lower Saxon".

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