Kazakhstan and the Netherlands: 20 years of cooperation and partnership - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mainura Murzamadiyeva

The Kingdom of the Netherlands is one of the most reliable partners for Kazakhstan in the EU and its largest investor in terms of investments. Kazinform correspondent met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Kingdom of the Netherlands Mainura S. Murzamadiyeva to talk about the state and prospects for cooperation between the two countries.
Mainura Savetovna, it's been 20 years since the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Kingdom of the Netherlands established diplomatic relations. How would you characterize the current relations between the two countries?
Kazakhstan and the Netherlands share stance on key international problems, including global security, international cooperation, non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, counterterrorism and regulation of the situation in Afghanistan and Syria.
Dutch investment flows should be noted as well. The Netherlands is the #1 EU partner for Kazakhstan in terms of investments. According to the National Bank of Kazakhstan, the country benefited from the Dutch investments worth $47 billion in 1993-2012. But there are many other things, for example, tulips. Tulip bulbs have become one of the main export products of the Netherlands. Few people know that Kazakhstan is the motherland of these flowers and they travelled a long way via the Great Silk Road to get to Europe.
This year Kazakhstan and the Netherlands commemorate 20 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations. The Embassy of Kazakhstan organized a concert by Kazakh performers in the Hague and a presentation of a postal stamp dated to this remarkable anniversary.
The Netherlands is the largest commercial and economic partner for Kazakhstan. What sectors of Kazakhstani economy are the most promising for Dutch business?
As you know, Dutch economy is based on the hydrocarbon production, chemical industry, agricultural sector, logistics and finance, those are the sector that are gaining momentum in Kazakhstan as well. Most investments are directed to processing and mining industries, construction, education, healthcare, social services sector, agriculture, transport and communications, and financial sector. In 2011, the sales turnover between Kazakhstan and the Netherlands amounted to $6.8 billion. It hit the mark of $4.5 billion in 2010.
Kazakhstan attaches much significance to the development of commercial and economic relations with the Kingdom of the Netherlands. It is based, first of all, on the fact that the Netherlands is the #1 investor of Kazakhstan in terms of volume of investments.
Currently, there are 122 joint Dutch-Kazakhstani ventures operating on the territory of Kazakhstan, those are mostly agricultural enterprises.
What about the legal framework of cooperation between Kazakhstan and the Netherlands?
In the first place, the legal framework of the Dutch-Kazakhstani cooperation is based on the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the EU and the Republic of Kazakhstan and a number of bilateral documents on promotion of commercial and economic as well as investment cooperation.
This legal framework allowed to switch the bilateral cooperation to a brand new level and helped intensify the political dialogue between the two countries. Currently, Kazakhstan is in talks to prepare new Partnership Agreement with the EU.
The Netherlands has identified Russia, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, and Kazakhstan as its priority bilateral relationships among fossil fuel producers. What does the joint intergovernmental commission do to facilitate the bilateral commercial and economic cooperation between Kazakhstan and the Netherlands?
In order to preserve high dynamics of commercial and economic relations between Kazakhstan and the Netherlands we constantly maintain contacts at the ministerial level in the most promising spheres of cooperation, such as energy, agriculture, transport, and infrastructure. Dutch Minister of Economic Affairs Maria van der Hoeven paid a visit to Kazakhstan in October 2009. Minister of Transport and Communications of Kazakhstan A. Kussainov made a working trip to the Netherlands in May 2010. A delegation of JSC 'Samruk-Kazyna' National Welfare Fund headed by CEO Timur Kulibayev paid a visit to the Netherlands in November 2011 as well.
The Kazakh diaspora in the Netherlands is quite big. Do you conduct any kind of work with our compatriots?
Annual multi-cultural festivals, national holidays as well as sports events involving the diaspora and Kazakhstani students studying in the Netherlands have become an important component of strengthening ties between the Kazakh diaspora and its historical motherland. The Netherlands numbers 300 representatives of the Kazakh diaspora. The Embassy keeps in touch with the diaspora. It also arranges regular meetings with Kazakhstani students earning their degrees at the Dutch universities.
Thank you for the interview!