Kazakhstan attends 19th meeting of ECO Regional Planning Council

TEHRAN. January 16. KAZINFORM Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran Manouchehr Mottaki chaired the 19th meeting of the ECO Regional Planning Council in the ECO Secretariat in Tehran on January 12-15, Kazinform refers to the Kazakh Embassy in Iran.
The Kazakh delegation headed by Kazakh Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador to Iran ? Permanent Representative to the ECO Yerik Utembayev took part in the meeting. The Kazakh diplomat told about the Joint Action Plan of the Government, National Bank and Financial Supervision Agency on stabilization of economy and financial system for 2009-2010, which defines activities on mitigating affects of the global financial crisis. Y.Utembayev attracted the participants? attention to Kazakhstan?s chairmanship in the OSCE in 2010, which will promote an effective interaction in the framework of international and regional organizations and make a significant contribution to creation of a dialogue platform between East and West. Within the meeting the Kazakh Ambassador offered to open the ECO Representative Office on development of science and new technologies in Almaty, which will coordinate the scientific interaction of the ECO member-states and promote exchange of opinions, technologies and information between the ECO scientific-research establishments. The Regional Planning Council supported this proposal. Besides, an agreement on appointment of Kazakhstan a country-coordinator on carrying out of technical-economic researches in the framework of the ECO was reached. Following the results of the meeting an action plan and main directions of the ECO Secretariat?s activity for 2009 were adopted.
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