14:56, 19 September 2013 | GMT +5
Kazakhstan banks' gross external debt decreased by USD 32 billion - Deputy Chairman of National Bank
ASTANA. September 19. KAZINFORM "The gross external debt of Kazakhstan's banks decreased by USD 32 billion since 2007 to 2013," Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Kazakhstan Daniyar Akishev announced.

"In mid-2007, the external debt of the banking system in Kazakhstan has reached almost 50% of GDP and was the highest in comparison with Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. It reflected the high dependence of the banking sector by foreign borrowing. As a result of restructuring and measures to strengthen the supervision and regulation of the financial sector, external debt of Kazakhstan's banks has decreased to its lowest level, and amounted to 6.1% of GDP, "-at the end of the first quarter of 2013," Akishev informed.