'Kazakhstan-Belarus - 20 years together' conference held in Minsk

MINSK. December 24. KAZINFORM The other day Minks hosted an international scientific practical conference "Kazakhstan and Belarus - 20 years Together. On the Way to the Eurasian Union" which was organized by the Kazakh Embassy and the Administration Academy under the President of the Republic of Belarus.

At the conference, Ambassador Ergali Bulegenov focused on President Nazarbayev's initiatives to develop integration processes in the post-Soviet space. "The Customs Union and Single Economic Space were set up thanks to the political will of the leaders of Kazakhstan, Belarus and Russia," said the envoy.

Besides, Ergali Bulegenov highlighted key provisions of the new "Kazakhstan-2050" Strategy: new political course of a successful country" and presented brochures with the text of the strategy to academy's leadership.

President of the academy Anatoly Morozevich highly estimated the strategy and noted it would help Kazakhstan move forward and join the club of 30 most developed countries in the world. He also emphasized the historical role of Nursultan Nazarbayev in the development of integration processes on the post-Soviet territory.

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