Kazakhstan boosts youth policy implementation with new road map

Minister Darkhan Kaletayev said it at yesterday's meeting of the Presidential Youth Affairs Council held in Astana under the chairmanship of Secretary of State Gulshara Abdykalikova.
Taking the floor, Kaletayev spoke about the course of implementation of the 2020 State Youth Policy Concept. He reminded that the year 2019 was announced the Year of Youth in Kazakhstan on the President's instruction and the Ministry offers a draft Road Map on the implementation of the state youth policy.
He said that the goal of the Road Map is to create conditions for application and development of youth potential, increasing young people's competitiveness in all the spheres of public life. The Road Map includes of 11 areas of activity.
According to the Minister these areas are: education, employment, health protection, affordable housing, youth entrepreneurship development, upgrading financial capability, legal culture, increasing intolerance to corruption, strengthening patriotism, support of talented youth, development infrastructure and coverage of state youth policy implementation in mass media.
The Road Map has been sent to governmental structures for consideration. The document is scheduled to be adopted at the Government's meeting in December.
The Presidential Youth Affairs Council is the major dialogue platform elaborating measures of improvement of state youth policy.