Kazakhstan came out on top on uranium extraction: Kazatomprom

According to the forecasts of UX Consulting Agency, Canada and Australia are expected to extract 9 934 and 8 022 tons correspondingly.
"Despite essential technical problems and hardships in provision of the sector with sulphuric acid that we faced in 2008 - beginning of 2009 we managed to reverse the situation and reach targets due to coordinated work with "Kazzink and "Kazakhmys" companies in the second half of the year", Vice President of "Kazatomprom" Nurlan Ryspanov said.
According to him, deficit of the natural uranium is forecasted in the world beginning from 2016. Increase in uranium extraction by 18 thousand tons is planned in Kazakhstan in 2010 in order to cover the expected deficit. Thus the country will take leading positions in the world on uranium extraction for the period of maximum demand in it.