13:58, 08 May 2009 | GMT +5
Kazakhstan copes well with crisis ? President Nazarbayev
ASTANA. May 8. KAZINFORM. /Aigul Tulekbayeva/ At today?s ceremony of presenting keys from new flats to a group of Astana citizens in the capital?s Akimat Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev reminded that KZT 1.2 trillion was budgeted in antirecessionary program. He stressed that hardly any post-Soviet state could allocate such amount of funds, if we take a per capita index.

N. Nazarbayev emphasized that he monitored the progress of implementation of the Government?s anti-crisis program. Funds allocated for the support of interest holders allowed many of them to receive flats. ?Till the end of this year 180 new objects will be commissioned in Almaty and Astana?, the President said.
Mr. Nazarbayev also reminded that within the framework of the Economy Stabilization Program KZT 127 billion was allocated for the support of small and medium businesses, KZT 120 billion ? for agrarian sector.
Besides, KZT 191 billion will be budgeted in creation of new jobs. The oil sector funds assigned for custody in the National Fund, i.e. KZT 600 billion, will be budgeted in solution of social problems: repair of schools, hospitals, roads.
According to the Kazakh leader, this crisis has one advantage. ?Prices for many commodities, including fuel and lubricants, foodstuffs, construction materials, came down. We have an opportunity to build less expensive houses and offer it to population?, he said.
?On the other hand, we have a background for establishment of new businesses in new economy sectors, small and medium businesses? He,who wants to work, can always find application to his abilities?, the President resumed.