Kazakhstan elaborates comprehensive program of SMEs support

At today’s plenary session of the Majilis, the lower chamber of the Kazakh Parliament, Deputy Prime Minister Tamara Duissenova announced development of a сomprehensive program for small and medium businesses support. The program is called to boost the growth of competitive business entities, Kazinform Agency reports.

Kazakhstan elaborates comprehensive program of SMEs development
Photo: Press service of Kazakhstan Government

“The government is currently developing a comprehensive program of small and medium businesses development which will boost the growth of competitive business entities with a broad potential. Measures were launched to reduce administrative load on small and medium businesses,” said Duissenova.

Namely, the moratorium on inspection of SMEs was prolonged till the year end, and the principle of “regulation from scratch” was tested. Work is underway to automate risk management systems in state control and supervision, which will reduce scheduled business inspections by twofold. The Council of Domestic Entrepreneurs was set up to address the systemic problems of business.

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