11:30, 23 April 2009 | GMT +5
Kazakhstan faced crisis with ample strength: VIII Eurasian Media Forum
ALMATY. April 23. KAZINFORM /Dainiyar Sikhimbayev/ ?Kazakhstan is experiencing all the consequences of the global crisis?, Kazakh State Secretary Kanat Saudabayev said today while opening the VIII Eurasian Media Forum.

?The peculiarity of our country is that its Leader Nursultan Nazarbayev possesses unique experience of antirecessionary management which helped our country meet the negative consequences caused by the big collapse of the Soviet Union and the following Asian and Russian crisis of 1997-1999. All these years we have successfully worked on strengthening the effectiveness of the economy, and conducted goal-oriented policy of savings?, the State Secretary said. The main difference of the present situation is that Kazakhstan has faced the crisis possessing ample strength and international authority.
?We should give credit to the strategic anticipation of our President who in 2000 decided to establish the National Fund for accumulation of surplus from the mining industry despite a lot of objections and disbeliefs. During these years the Fund has gained over USD 20 bln, USD 10 bln of which were budgeted into implementation of the antirecessionary program?, K.Saudabayev noted.