Kazakhstan has all conditions for Sputnik V vaccine production – Russian scholar

MOSCOW. KAZINFORM – Kazakhstan has made the right strategic choice in producing Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine on its territory, Denis Logunov, Deputy Director for scientific work at the Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, told in an interview to the Kazakh media, Kazinform correspondent reports.

According to the scholar, the Kazakhstan-made vaccine is no different from the one produced in Russia.

«Kazakhstan has made the right strategic choice in producing Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine on its territory. It is important that the country has its own production independent from Russia or others,» said Denis Logunov.

He stressed that sufficient control over the quality production of the vaccine is nonetheless ensured.

In Russia, control is first exercised at the production site and then authorial supervision by Gamaleya Center. Finally, state quality control is carried out.

Mr. Logunov also noted that requests to produce the vaccine have been submitted by Belarus, India, China, South Korea, and other countries. 16 countries have already registered the vaccine for emergency use, with half of them intending to produce the vaccine.

To produce the vaccine a country has to have a set of equipment and consumables as well as to know the production technology. Professionals are also needed, Mr Logunov said, adding Kazakhstan has them.

Mr Logunov said that the Sputnik V vaccine can be easily transported and is suitable for long storage without any special conditions.

«The vaccine can be stored for eight months at a temperature of below 200C, and for a month at temperatures between +20C and +80C, making it accessible to the most hard-to-reach areas of the world,» he said.

The scholar stressed the Sputnik V vaccine’s efficacy rate of 91.6% and added that people who got infected after being vaccinated showed only mild COVID-19 symptoms.

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