Kazakhstan Human Rights Commissioner meets UN Special Rapporteur

ASTANA. May 5. KAZINFORM Kazakhstan Human Rights Commissioner Askar Shakirov has met with the UN Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment Manfred Nowak in Astana today.
Mr. Nowak was appointed the UN Special Rapporteur in late December 2004 by the UN Human Rights Commission. Mandate of the Special Rapporteur extends to all countries irrespectively of their membership in the Convention against Tortures. The Special Rapporteur acts independently and does not report to anybody. Manfred Nowak is the Professor of Constitutional Law and Human Rights of the University of Vienna. He also holds the post of the Director of the Boltzmann Human Rights Institute in Austria. A. Shakirov acquainted the UN representative with the main directions of his work in human rights protection and with the normative-legal base regulating the activity of the Kazakh Ombudsman. Particular attention was paid to the issues connected with realization of Optional Protocol to the Convention against Tortures by Kazakhstan, namely, creation of the National Preventive Mechanism foreseen by this Protocol.
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