Kazakhstan Independence Day marked in Brussels

Representatives of the Council of the European Union, European Parliament, EU Commission, NATO, Parliament, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other federal and regional structures of Belgium, and diplomatic corps, business community, Kazakh Diaspora and the public took part in it. Secretary General of the World Customs Organization Kunio Mikuriya was the honorary guest.
Kazakh Ambassador Yerik Utembayev informed the guests of main achievements of the country in the social-economic and political spheres, and of the goals for the future set in the national programs and strategic plans elaborated on the initiative of the Head of the State. Special attention was paid to Kazakhstan's upcoming chairmanship in the OSCE, key priorities and mechanisms of their implementation in 2010.
The head of the diplomatic mission noted that the incoming year is specific in the OSCE history. The period of Kazakhstan's chairmanship aligns with the 35th anniversary of the Helsinki Final Act, 20th anniversary of the Charter of Paris for a New Europe and 65th anniversary of the end of the World War II. In this connection, and taking into account contemporary challenges and threats of security and stability in the world, Y.Utembayev emphasized importance and timeliness of holding the OSCE Summit.
All participants noted rapid growth of the economy, positive effect of political and democratic reforms in Kazakhstan, which allowed to consolidate the multinational people, to establish the position of the regional leader, to become a reliable partner of the EU and occupy a place at the international arena in the difficult period of the global financial economic crisis.