Kazakhstan intends to improve to 40th place in WB's Logistics Performance Index ranking

"Given the target value of the World Bank's Logistics Performance Index, we set a goal to reach the 40th place among 155 countries until 2020. For this we need to ensure the transition from the 86th place in the ranking to the 50th place in the medium term until 2015," A. Mamin noted.
Speaking about the plans for the current year, he said that the company expects cargo turnover at 236.7 billion tons per year, passenger traffic at least 16 billion, revenues at 922 billion, net profit at least 125 billion tenge.
A.Mamin also said that it is planned to implement the investment program totaling KZT 410 billion, which is designed to modernize 126 locomotives, 4,172 freight cars, 250 passenger cars, and repair 726 km of rail roads and construct new railway lines.
"We will continue to carry out measures to form the national railway engineering base. The volume of machine-building production in 2013 will make KZT 250 billion," he concluded.