Kazakhstan invited China to interact with EEU
“Today we see good opportunities for correlation of Kazakhstan’s Nurly Zhol program and China’s silk Road Economic Belt strategy. We see good opportunities in China-EEU interaction, i.e. step-by-step multilateral collaboration in various areas, creation of conditions for free movement of goods, works and services. Joint implementation of large transport and infrastructure projects may let us turn our region into a favorable market for investments,” said Yermekbayev at the 14th annual Conference on Security in Central Asia.
In his opinion, China provides an example of constructive cooperation with all the countries of the Central Asian region. He pointed out the growth of the volume of methodological and technical assistance China has rendered to the CA for strengthening its potential in countering modern challenges, threats and fight with trafficking in drugs and illegal migration.
“The Shanghai Cooperation Organization enables its participating countries to interact in exchange of information and combat international terrorist groups. The cooperation of the defense structures of all the countries is successful. In 2014, the Peaceful Mission counter-terrorism exercises were held in the territory of China. The same mission will take place this year in Kyrgyzstan,” added Yermekbayev.