17:28, 01 July 2013 | GMT +6
Kazakhstan is of paramount importance in Central Asia - Javier Solana
BEIJING. July 1. KAZINFORM "Kazakhstan plays an important role in Central Asia, and its chairmanship in the OSCE in 2010 is an exhibit of its successful development," former Secretary General of the Council of the European Union Javier Solana expressed his attitude towards region's situation and the role of Kazakhstan in provision of regional security to Kazinform corespondent during the II World Peace Forum in Beijing.
According to J. Solana, chairmanship in the OSCE was a very important moment for the country, and Kazakhstan had filled its part with great success, becoming the first post-Soviet state to chair the OSCE.
"Kazakhstan and the European Union have potential in promoting cooperation in the political and economic spheres, " former Secretary General of the Council of the European Union noted.
By the way, Solana supports the SCO member states' activity, including Kazakhstan, in stabilization of the situation in the region, in particular, in counter-terrorism. Hovewer, Javier Solana added 'currently the SCO has limited capacities.'