Kazakhstan is our privilege partner in the region - Enrique Mora, Deputy Secretary General of the European External Action Service (EEAS) for Political Affairs

Kazakhstan is our privilege partner in the region
Enrique Mora, Deputy Secretary General of the European External Action Service (EEAS) for Political Affairs Photo credit: Screenshot

In a recent interview with Kazinform News Agency Enrique Mora, Deputy Secretary General of the European External Action Service (EEAS) for Political Affairs, said the EU considers Kazakshtan as its privilege partner in the Central Asian region.

“Today we have the 11th edition of the Political Security Dialogue, high-level dialogue between Central Asia and the European Union,” said Mora. “We have been doing it every year for 11 years. It`s a very good way to understand where we’re on different major conflicts.

“Another important part is the bilateral relation. We’re increasingly being getting closer in different projects like collectivity, water management, security counterterrorism – we talk about that. Finally, we also exchange words about the future, different ambitions in the different countries. Now we’re talking about the ministerial summit. It will be the first summit between the EU and Central Asia. This is basically what the meeting is about,” he added.

As for the relationship between the EU and Kazakhstan, Enrique Mora said ‘it is very good’.

“Kazakhstan is our privilege partner in the region. We want to increase the relationship even more. Kazakhstan is a key country for us in many aspects. Regional situation in Kazakhstan with the president has shown a high capacity to make its points in the regional context. We appreciate very much to what extent Kazakhstan wants to have an autonomous foreign policy. We wany to cooperate, we’re working on connectivity projects that will bring get closer Kazakhstan and the EU,” he noted.

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