Kazakhstan is reasonably proud of experience in international relations ? Russian Consul General

ALMATY. May 6. KAZINFORM. /Serik Koibagarov/ Consul General of the Russian Federation to Kazakhstan Borislav Meshchaninov has given an interview to Kazinform on the issues of the current bilateral relations between Kazakhstan and Russia.
The number of young Kazakhstanis studying at foreign universities is growing increasingly year after year. What can make them choose Russian universities? How many education quotas does the Russian Education Ministry grant to Kazakhstan?s citizens? It is wonderful that Kazakh youth has great opportunities to study at the world's best universities on any specialties. Indeed, education is the best capital. People understand it better in the crisis period. Today a literate has more chances to find a prestigious job. As for education in Russian universities, I should mention several aspects. Firstly, both Russia and Kazakhstan came out of one and the same state. Secondly, our economies are complementary. Thirdly, we are connected with strong cultural ties, language, and shared history. Thus, addressing challenges facing our nations and peoples, we need a number of high ? skilled specialties in different fields, both in Russia and Kazakhstan. In fact, there are many Kazakh students in Russian universities. Besides, some Kazakhstani universities have Russian university affiliates. We also have joint educational institutions. Study in such universities is convenient and not so expensive. About 200 Kazakh students study in Russia now. The issue on increasing the number of quotas is considered. What is the dynamics of realization of the State Program to assist Russia in the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad (for example, in Kazakhstan)? Unfortunately, mass media often disguises the meaning of the program. Some media try to present quite a false view of the affair. They say Russia agitates labor force to fill up the gaps in economy. However, it is not true. First of all, according to the Russian legislation, any compatriot residing elsewhere in the world, receives a legitimate right to resettle in the historical motherland. Kazakhstan had adopted the corresponding law long before. Foreign Kazakhs (Oralmans) know about this program and resettle in Kazakhstan driven by their love to the historical motherland. The Russian program also deals with the problems of employment and housing for repatriates. Those who want to build housing can use soft loans. Repatriates are also compensated expenses for resettlement? How many Kazakhstanis with Russian citizenship reside in Kazakhstan? I can not answer this question so far. We are waiting for the results of the census. The total number will be known after its publication. I would like to note there had not been any obligatory procedure of consular registration of Russians abroad since the collapse of the USSR in January, 2007. We didn?t record our citizens, neither temporary staying nor permanent residents abroad. It was believed that it is democratic. But life has shown that this approach is wrong Especially after hurricanes, earthquakes and other disasters happened in South-East Asia, when we needed to define how many people were on the territory of a foreign state and didn?t have such information. In this regard, beginning from 2007 obligatory institute of councilor register exists. The external trade turnover is one of the key indexes of relations level between countries and indirect index of the work of diplomatic mission. Can the world financial crisis affect the annual growth of the trade turnover between our countries? Bilateral economic relations between our countries have been successfully developing lately. In spite of the fact that the crisis began in the second half of 2008, the turnover increased USD 20 bln, compared to USD 16.5 bln in 2007. The growth is very dynamic. The crisis will make its allowances, but there are no any presumptions for concerns about possible decrease of the trade turnover. Moreover, this year our Presidents Dmitri Medvedev and Nursultan Nazarbayev have signed the program of cooperation for 2009-2010. In what field do you see further and most perspective development of Kazakh-Russian relation? In the program, mentioned above, the accent is placed on energy, including nuclear energy, development of transport structures, pipelines, ?West China ? West Europe? road, initiated by Kazakhstan. We have very good opportunities for cross border cooperation, cooperation in agriculture as well. Latest scientific researches in the field of nanotechnology, space and other high-tech spheres are on the agenda as well. How is the Council General?s working day scheduled? How many people can you receive? Our problem is big queues to the Consulate. It is related with the fact that we must address many issues of citizenship, issuing of passports, rendering council-visa support, etc., and we try to receive as many people as possible. We receive over 20 thousand people per year. I also receive the callers; take part in the solution of most complicated problems. Besides, I meet with participants and veterans of the war, reps of compatriots? organizations. On this occasion I would like to inform your readers that we opened the site www.almaata.mid.ru, where you can find necessary information about consular services. Thank you for the interview
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