Kazakhstan keen to study experience of Belarus' audit watchdog in IT.
"We are interested in all activities of the Belarusian State Control Committee. Some of them deserve special mention, namely the planning of control and audit measures, selection of facilities to be inspected, and introduction of information technologies into this process. Such experience will be of great help to us as a large-scale program Information Kazakhstan is being implemented at the moment. The informatization of our work, development of the state audit system with a view to moving towards e-audit is an important task," Nurmukhambet Abdibekov said.
The Kazakh colleagues were impressed with the operation of the situation center of the State Control Committee's Financial Monitoring Department. "The tasks tackled by the center are relevant for us, too. This experience will be useful for us," the Kazakh official added.
A delegation of Kazakhstan's Accounts Committee for Control over Execution of the Republican Budget is about to finish its three-day visit to Belarus meant to exchange experience and discuss promising avenues of cooperation. During the visit, the delegation met with senior staff of the State Control Committee and learned more about its subdivisions. Special attention was paid to boosting the efficiency of public spending and state-owned property. The Accounts Committee is the body that directly controls the Kazakh government budget. It has regional revision commissions formed by local representative bodies. The Accounts Committee, in turn, is a coordinator and a methodology center. The internal audit system is also developed at the central and local levels.
The audit watchdogs of Belarus and Kazakhstan maintain bilateral and multilateral cooperation (in the EAEU, the CIS Council of Heads of Supreme Financial Audit Institutions, and the international organizations INTOSAI and EUROSAI).