Kazakhstan makes reasonable initiatives in economic and global security issues - Polish Ambassador to Kazakhstan

Chairmanship in the OSCE is big responsibility for Kazakhstan. In your opinion, are we ready for this mission?
The same question was asked four years ago, when Slovenia chaired. They faced the issues of conflicts in Nagorno-Karabakh, Transnistria and others. Kazakhstan has great chances to make progress in the security issues. It has good relations with Armenia and Azerbaijan, the topic of Afghanistan is open as well. The important political role is given to Kazakhstan. It has been already decided to increase number of the Afghan students, who will enter the Kazakh universities. Their number will make up 200 people next year.
Kazakhstan was the first CIS country proposed to this post and the republic made a lot for good preparation. Kazakhstan's chairmanship will promote the growth of the European Organization's authority in Central Asia. And the CIS state will have opportunity of implementation of the projects initiated by them. I think that Kazakhstan's chairmanship in the OSCE is an important factor for strengthening the political dialog between Kazakhstan and Poland.
In the opinion of many foreign experts, in the global economic crisis our country adopted and successfully implements the anti-recessionary program. How does the Polish economy experience the crisis? And will, in your opinion, the Customs Union influence on further improvement of the situation and development of the Kazakh-Polish relations?
Poland is the only country in Europe, the economy of which develops positively. Watching relations development, we can conclude that Kazakhstan is a strategic partner for Poland among the Central Asian countries. In 2008 Poland was at the 19th place in the list of recipients of goods from Kazakhstan, and in the first half of 2009 - 14th place. Poland was at the 14th place among the suppliers to Kazakhstan, and in the first half of 2009 - at the 15th one.
The Polish position in the economic exchange with Kazakhstan meets the level and positions of the Polish economy in the world. But there is a prospect of development of further economic cooperation, which will allow Poland to occupy higher position in the economic exchange level. It is predicted that the trade turnover between Poland and Kazakhstan in 2009 will exceed USD 1 bln.
Of course, the Customs Union creation will influence Kazakhstan's economy. It will be another era in the economy. Strong competitiveness will determine everything. Overcoming administrative barriers will make the business better.
It will also influence other economies of such countries like China, Iran and so on. We know that it will be harder for Poland to export in Kazakhstan, because of the compromises, which will be concluded by the three countries - prices on some products will be higher.
Tell us more about export and import between Poland and Kazakhstan, and about prospects of business contacts development between our countries.
Poland exports in Kazakhstan 72 product headings and imports - 17. Major goods in the Polish export: wood and wooden wares, cosmetics and soap, paper and cardboard, marine transport, artificial materials, meat, sugar and confectionery products, coffee, spices, leather extracts, dyes, paints and varnishes. Import: mineral fuel, oil and oil products, asphalt paste, products of inorganic chemistry, fertilizers and wheat.
The Polish enterprises strive for strengthening their positions in Kazakhstan. Participation in the market on specific goods, brand awareness among the Kazakh consumers, trade contacts should promote it.
There are big opportunities in development of the export of equipment for the mining industry, manufacturing lines in the metallurgical industry, construction of industrial facilities, agricultural equipment and lines on processing of agrarian and food production, pharmacy, medical services and Kazakh students' studying in Poland.
It is clear that it is necessary to develop other spheres of cooperation: culture and tourism. In this connection we want to ask, at what stage is the opening of a direct flight connection between our countries?
Of course, we are interested in the direct flight connection opening to Warsaw. But the Polish airline experiences the restructuring period, and because of it we have not such opportunity, though we thought of it in 2007. All depends on the internal changes and the Polish airline reconstruction.
Thank you for the interview.