Kazakhstan maps out Year of Youth Roadmap - Minister Kaletayev

"Presently we've drawn up the draft Roadmap on implementation of this initiative. We consider the Year of Youth an important event, it is our priority. In the Year of Youth we want to concentrate on the introduction of youth indicators to all state programs we have in the country," Minister Kaletayev said.
According to Kaletayev, there are 11 basic areas the Roadmap focuses on, namely development of infrastructure, education, employment, health, affordable housing, development of business, raising financial literacy, legal culture, fight against corruption, development of youth NGOs and coverage of state youth policy by news agencies.
The republican forum of the primary party organizations of the Nur Otan Party brought together over 600 delegates from all corners of Kazakhstan. It was attended by well-known foreign and domestic experts, members of the Government, MPs.