Kazakhstan may secure global diplomatic agent role - expert

ASTANA. KAZINFORM Kazakhstan may secure the role of a global diplomatic agent, and occupy a niche which once belonged to Finland, said Director of Programs at Russian International Affairs Council Ivan Timofeev, Kazinform correspondent reports.

"Kazakhstan's role in inter-Syrian negotiations, in my opinion, is firstly mediation. Kazakhstan may take the position of a "honest broker", not being involved in the Syrian conflict and maintaining friendly relations with all the centers of power. Kazakhstan can secure the role of a global diplomatic agent, and occupy a niche which once belonged to Finland", said the expert.

According to him, the process of inter-Syrian negotiations will be difficult.

"There are problems of coordination of plans of Moscow, Ankara and Tehran and inner Syrian differences. There is also an uncertain role of the US. But the very fact of such negotiations is a new political reality that was difficult to imagine a year ago. This is a rare case when such serious issues are resolved without the direct involvement of Western countries", said Ivan Timofeev.


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