Kazakhstan MFA urges political forces in Ukraine to stop bloodshed

ASTANA. KAZINFORM - KZ Foreign Ministry issued a statement on the events in Ukraine, the MFA press service informs.

It states: 'We are deeply concerned by the news of worsening confrontation in Kiev and other Ukrainian cities, which resulted in casualties among both protesters and law enforcement officials. With great regret we note the damage that political confrontation causes to the strong and respected nation with enormous economic, industrial and human potential.' Kazakhstan MFA highlights that Kazakhstan and Ukraine have traditionally friendly and strategic relations, based on mutual trust and respect. Kazakhstan considers Ukraine as its important partner. ‘We strongly condemn violence in any form and call on all political forces in Ukraine to show restraint, to stop the bloodshed and restore law and order in line with the constitution and laws of the country. We also call upon the international community to fully contribute to the early stabilization of the situation in Ukraine ‘, states the MFA of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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